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Celine Milne - Massage Therapist

Celine Milne

Massage Therapist

Ocean Therapies is based in Newton Mearns, Glasgow G77 6FQ and the creation of Celine Milne; a committed and energetic mother of four with a passion for spiritual, mental and physical wellbeing.

Alongside running her own business, Celine offers some of her time as a therapist for Motor Neuron Disease Scotland.

Celine has a BA Honours in Applied Social Sciences and has previously worked as a fitness instructor.

Following a career in social care, she decided to follow her passion into complementary therapies, wellbeing and skincare and has gained extensive experience having studied in Edinburgh, Glasgow and London.

She is based in Giffnock, Glasgow and in order to discuss your planned therapy programme, please contact Liz either through email or calling 07711 001 502

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